Commercial Laundry 1800X900

Commercial Laundry Services in and near North Hollywood and Highland Park, CA

Managing a business or department within a large organization can be challenging at times. Between managing staff, operations, and navigating customer relations, the last thing on your mind might by doing your business’s laundry. Fortunately, that is where Laundry King can step in and provide some operational support (and much needed relief). As laundry specialists, we can haul away your enterprise’s laundry and wash, dry, and fold everything for you on your schedule, ensuring that you maintain a steady supply of uniforms, linens, and towels.

Businesses We Serve

Keep your business running smoothly without worrying about laundry, whatever that business may be. We especially know that whether you have customers, guests, clients, or patients, crispy clean linens and fluffy towels can enhance their experience with your brand. We have identified the following businesses that can especially benefit from our commercial laundry services.

Medical Laundry Services for Hospitals, Clinics, Outpatient Centers, and Long-Term Care

In healthcare, it's about improving physical or mental well-being. While you as a healthcare provider focus on helping patients regain their health, let us worry about the laundry. We are experts at washing, drying, and folding patient bedding including sheets, blankets, pillows, and pillowcases, towels, and privacy curtains. We also do an excellent job in washing patient garments and robes as well as scrubs, lab coats, and custodial staff uniforms. Let us take care of the laundry so that you can take care of your patients.

Medical Laundry Hospital Staff In Hall 02 600X600

Salon Laundry Services for Hair Salons, Nail Salons, Spas, and Barbershops

In cosmetology, it's about boosting confidence and self-esteem through appearance. While you as a salon service provider, make-up artist, or barber focus on pampering your clients and helping them achieve the aesthetics they desire, we can help with the laundry your business generates from towels to linens. We are very familiar with the lotions and oils that stain massage linens and the stains and smudges that can be left behind in towels and bath robes due to make-up, hair dye, and nail art products. We are experts at removing cut hair and other debris from towels, too. Let us take care of your laundry so that your clientele can enjoy and benefit from your attention to detail.

Spa Laundry Featuring Guests In Robes And Towels 600X600

Airbnb Laundry for Airbnb and VRBO Hosts and Bed & Breakfast Establishments

In Airbnb hosting, it's about creating a memorable and positive travel experience. As a host, guests often arrive with high expectations of comfort and cleanliness throughout your rental. Provide your guests with unquestionably fluffy and hygienic towels, crispy clean bedding, and ready-to-use kitchen and table linens. We wash everything from bath towels and bed linens to kitchen towels and household linens such as throw blankets and pillows and machine-washable rugs. We can also clean machine-washable window and shower curtains, too. Let us take these items off your hands to wash, dry, and fold for you so that you can concentrate on hosting and increasing your bookings.

Airbnb Laundry With Pink Bedding 600X600

If you don't see your kind of business listed above, don't stress. Just connect with us because we can clean just about anything.

Get Started with a Free Custom Quote

Commercial customers can benefit from volume pricing—often more economical than regular wash and fold priced by weight. Quotes are based on the type of laundry, volume, and frequency of need. Please call us at (818) 479-0909, email us directly at or submit a request online for your customized quote.